I’ve been busy writing non-fiction for happy brides, fiction for young spies-in-waiting (see below for more Zac Power info), the new Starring Olive Black series and contributing a letter to the wonderful Letters to my teenage self.

Letters to my Teenage Self
Over 50 prominent Aussies wrote heartfelt letters to their younger selves, passing on the wisdom they wish they’d had at the time. It’s edited by Grace Halphen and I was humbled to be included. All profits go to The Reach Foundation.

Zac Power Spy Camp #1: Zac Blasts Off
Zac is off on Spy Camp to do space training. Can he dodge the space lasers?
Fancy new edition: Zac Power Spy Recruit

Zac Power Spy Camp #2: Zac Strikes Out
Zac is off on Spy Camp to work on his karate. Can can he beat a crazy karate robot?
Fancy new edition: Zac Power Spy Recruit

Zac Power Spy Camp #4: Zac Climbs High
Zac is off on Spy Camp to do circus training. What will happen when his tight-rope breaks?
Fancy new edition: Zac Power Spy Recruit

Zac Power Spy Camp #5: Zac Runs Wild
Zac is off on Spy Camp to do circus training. What will happen when his tight-rope breaks?
Fancy new edition: Zac Power Spy Recruit
The Zac Power series is the brainchild of writer Hilary Badger and editor Hilary Rogers, together with Hardie Grant Egmont. As the series expanded, more wonderful writers came on board, including Chris Morphew. In 2009 is was my turn to sharpen my spy skills and in the year that followed I had the best time developing the world of GIB spy camp in the Zac Power Spy Camp series.
My books, along with all Zac Power books, were written under the pseudonym of H. I. Larry. You can find out why from the Zac Power website news. And you can find out all about my books below.