Halloween Queen
Starring Olive Black
Olive’s back and this time she’s playing a wicked witch in Halloween Queen. With a movie set full of potions, spells and special effects, it should be a total fun fest (even when her co-star is Sofia La Bully-Bum). Every day Olive is transformed into an ugly, evil witch while her nemesis looks like an angel. Luckily, everyone knows it’s what’s inside that counts. Right?
''Exciting and funny. I'd recommend this book to everyone.'' - Willow, age 8
''Warm and nice and the exciting side of normal'' - Molly, age 8
''Readers will love Olive, who is feisty, flawed and down to earth.'' - Junior Australian Bookseller and Publisher Magazine
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Behind the scenes
- Olive plays a witch in Halloween Queen and spends hours in hair and make up. In writing the make-up scenes I used my favourite on-screen witch for inspiration – the Grand High Witch from Roald Dahl’s The Withes. Check out the video below to get an idea of what’s involved in creating a character like this.
Helping Dymocks Children Charities
My publisher Affirm Press and I want to help all Australian kids experience the joy of reading and are proud to announce a partnership with Dymocks Children’s Charities. For every one of our books that sells through Dymocks, Affirm Press will donate $1 to the charity which aims to help disadvantaged children throughout Australia access and enjoy great Australian stories.